#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

                DAE Tools: pyDAE module, www.daetools.com
                Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
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__doc__ = """
This tutorial introduces the following concepts:

- Arrays of variable values
- Functions that operate on arrays of values
- Functions that create constants and arrays of constant values (Constant and Array)
- Non-uniform domain grids

The model in this example is identical to the model used in the tutorial 1.
Some additional equations that calculate the total flux at the bottom edge are added
to illustrate the array functions.

The temperature plot (at t=100, x=0.5, y=*):

.. image:: _static/tutorial3-results.png
   :width: 500px

The average temperature plot (considering the whole x-y domain):

.. image:: _static/tutorial3-results2.png
   :width: 500px

import sys, numpy
from time import localtime, strftime
from daetools.pyDAE import *

# Standard variable types are defined in variable_types.py
from pyUnits import m, kg, s, K, Pa, mol, J, W

class modTutorial(daeModel):
    def __init__(self, Name, Parent = None, Description = ""):
        daeModel.__init__(self, Name, Parent, Description)

        self.x  = daeDomain("x", self, m, "X axis domain")
        self.y  = daeDomain("y", self, m, "Y axis domain")

        self.Qb  = daeParameter("Q_b",         W/(m**2), self, "Heat flux at the bottom edge of the plate")
        self.Tt  = daeParameter("T_t",                K, self, "Temperature at the top edge of the plate")
        self.rho = daeParameter("&rho;",      kg/(m**3), self, "Density of the plate")
        self.cp  = daeParameter("c_p",         J/(kg*K), self, "Specific heat capacity of the plate")
        self.k   = daeParameter("&lambda;_p",   W/(m*K), self, "Thermal conductivity of the plate")

        # Here we define two new variables to hold the average temperature and the sum of heat fluxes
        self.Tave   = daeVariable("T_ave",  temperature_t, self, "The average temperature of the top edge")
        self.Qsum   = daeVariable("Q_sum",  heat_flux_t,   self, "The sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of the plate")
        self.Qsum1  = daeVariable("Q_sum1", heat_flux_t,   self, "The sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of the plate (more complicated way, as an illustration)")
        self.Qsum2  = daeVariable("Q_sum2", heat_flux_t,   self, "The sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of the plate (numpy version)")

        self.T = daeVariable("T", temperature_t, self, "Temperature of the plate")

    def DeclareEquations(self):

        # All equations use the default discretisation method (central finite difference)
        eq = self.CreateEquation("HeatBalance", "Heat balance equation valid on open x and y domains")
        x = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.x, eOpenOpen)
        y = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.y, eOpenOpen)
        eq.Residual = self.rho() * self.cp() * dt(self.T(x,y)) - \
                      self.k() * (d2(self.T(x,y), self.x) + d2(self.T(x,y), self.y))

        eq = self.CreateEquation("BC_bottom", "Neumann boundary conditions at the bottom edge (constant flux)")
        x = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.x, eOpenOpen)
        y = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.y, eLowerBound)
        eq.Residual = - self.k() * d(self.T(x,y), self.y) - self.Qb()

        eq = self.CreateEquation("BC_top", "Dirichlet boundary conditions at the top edge (constant temperature)")
        x = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.x, eOpenOpen)
        y = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.y, eUpperBound)
        eq.Residual = self.T(x,y) - self.Tt()

        eq = self.CreateEquation("BC_left", "Neumann boundary conditions at the left edge (insulated)")
        x = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.x, eLowerBound)
        y = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.y, eClosedClosed)
        eq.Residual = d(self.T(x,y), self.x)

        eq = self.CreateEquation("BC_right", "Neumann boundary conditions at the right edge (insulated)")
        x = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.x, eUpperBound)
        y = eq.DistributeOnDomain(self.y, eClosedClosed)
        eq.Residual = d(self.T(x,y), self.x)

        # There are several functions that return arrays of values (or time- or partial-derivatives)
        # such as daeParameter.array() and daeVariable.array() functions, which return an array of parameter/variable values.
        # To obtain the array of values it is necessary to define points from all domains that the parameter
        # or variable is distributed on. Functions that return array of values accept the following arguments:
        #  - daeIndexRange objects
        #  - plain integers (to select a single index from a domain)
        #    Special case: -1 returns the last point in the domain
        #  - python lists (to select a list of indexes from a domain),
        #  - python slices (to select a range of indexes from a domain: start_index, end_index, step)
        #  - character '*' (to select all points from a domain)
        #  - empty python list [] (to select all points from a domain)
        # daeIndexRange constructor has three variants:
        #  1. The first one accepts a single argument: Domain
        #     in that case the array will contain all points from the domains
        #  2. The second one accepts 2 arguments: Domain and Indexes
        #     the argument indexes is a list of indexes within the domain and the array will contain the values 
        #     at those points
        #  3. The third one accepts 4 arguments: Domain, StartIndex, EndIndex, Step
        #     Basically this defines a slice on the array of points in the domain
        #     StartIndex is the starting index, EndIndex is the last index and Step is used to iterate over
        #     this sub-domain [StartIndex, EndIndex). For example if we want values at even indexes in the domain
        #     we can write: xr = daeDomainIndex(self.x, 0, -1, 2)
        # In this example we calculate:
        #  a) the average temperature of the top edge of the plate
        #  b) the sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of top plate (at y = 0)
        # To calculate the average and the sum of heat fluxes we can use functions 'Average' and 'Sum'.
        # Available functions are: Sum, Product, Average, Integral, Min, Max.

        eq = self.CreateEquation("T_ave", "The average temperature of the top edge of plate")
        eq.Residual = self.Tave() - Average( self.T.array( '*', -1 ) )

        # An equivalent to the equation above is:
        #   a) xr = daeIndexRange(self.x)
        #      eq.Residual = self.Tave() - Average( self.T.array( xr,  -1 ) )
        #   b) eq.Residual = self.Tave() - Average( self.T.array( '*', -1 ) )
        #   c) eq.Residual = self.Tave() - Average( self.T.array( [],  -1 ) )
        #   d) eq.Residual = self.Tave() - Average( self.T.array( slice(0,-1), -1 ) )
        # To select only certain points from a domain we can use a list or a slice:
        #   - self.T.array( '*', [1, 3, 7] )  returns all points from domain x and points 1,3,7 from domain y
        #   - self.T.array( '*', slice(3, 9, 2) )  returns all points from domain x and points 3,9,2 from domain y

        eq = self.CreateEquation("Q_sum", "The sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of the plate")
        Tarray = self.T.array('*', 0) # array of T values along x axis and for y = 0 (adouble_array object)

        eq.Residual = self.Qsum() + self.k() * Sum( d_array(Tarray, self.y) )
        Nx = self.x.NumberOfPoints
        # These equations are just a mental gymnastics to illustrate various functions such as
        # daeVariable's array() and global functions d_array(), Constant() and Array().
        #  - daeVariable.array() creates an array of values stored in a adouble_array object
        #  - d_array() creates an array of partial derivatives stored in a adouble_array object
        #  - The function Constant() creates a constant quantity that contains a value and units
        #  - The function Array() creates an array of constant quantities that contain a value and units
        # Both functions also accept plain floats (for instance, Constant(4.5) returns a dimensionless constant 4.5)
        # The equation below expands into the following:
        #                                          ∂T(*, 0)
        #             [2K, 2K, 2K, ..., 2K] * k * ----------
        #                                             ∂y          2K         ∂T(0, 0)           2K         ∂T(xn, 0)
        # Qsum1 = -∑ ------------------------------------------ = ---- * k * ---------- + ... + ---- * k * -----------
        #                             2K                          2K           ∂y               2K            ∂y
        # Achtung: the value of Qsum1 must be identical to Qsum!
        eq = self.CreateEquation("Q_mul", "Heat flux multiplied by a vector (units: K) and divided by a constant (units: K)")
        values = [2 * K for i in range(Nx)]  # creates list: [2K, 2K, 2K, ..., 2K] with length of x.NumberOfPoints
        Tarray = self.T.array('*', 0)        # array of T values along x axis and for y = 0 (adouble_array object)
        dTdy_array = d_array(Tarray, self.y) # array of dT/dy partial derivatives (adouble_array object)
        eq.Residual = self.Qsum1() + Sum( Array(values) * self.k() * dTdy_array / Constant(2 * K) )

        # Often, it is desired to apply numpy/scipy numerical functions on arrays of adouble objects.
        # In those cases the functions such as daeVariable.array(), d_array(), dt_array(), Array() etc
        # are NOT applicable since they return adouble_array objects.
        # However, we can create a numpy array of adouble objects, apply numpy functions on them
        # and finally create adouble_array object from resulting numpy arrays of adouble objects, if necessary.
        # In this example, we will demonstrate interoperability between daetools and numpy.
        # As an illustration, we can construct a sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of the plate
        # (which should be identical to the previous Q_sum equation).
        # 1. First, create an empty numpy array as a container for daetools adouble objects
        Qbottom = numpy.empty(Nx, dtype=object)
        # 2. Then, fill the created numpy array with adouble objects.
        #    The result is: [k*dT[0,0]/dt, k*dT[1,0]/dt, ..., k*dT[Nx-1,0]/dt]
        #    There are two ways:
        #      - all items at once
        #      - item by item
        #    In this case, we populate all items at once
        Qbottom[:] = [self.k() * d(self.T(x,0), self.y) for x in range(Nx)]
        # 3. Finally, create an equation
        eq = self.CreateEquation("Q_sum2", "The sum of heat fluxes at the bottom edge of the plate (numpy version)")
        eq.Residual = self.Qsum2() + numpy.sum(Qbottom)

        # If adouble_aray is needed after operations on a numpy array we can use two functions:
        #   a) static function adouble_array.FromList(python-list)
        #   b) static function adouble_array.FromNumpyArray(numpy-array)
        # Both return an adouble_array object.
        #ad_arr_Qbottom = adouble_array.FromNumpyArray(Qbottom)
class simTutorial(daeSimulation):
    def __init__(self):
        self.m = modTutorial("tutorial3")
        self.m.Description = __doc__

    def SetUpParametersAndDomains(self):
        n = 10

        self.m.x.CreateStructuredGrid(n, 0, 0.1)
        self.m.y.CreateStructuredGrid(n, 0, 0.1)

        # Points of structured grids can be changed after the domain is defined by the CreateStructuredGrid function.
        # In certain situations it is desired to create a non-uniform grid within the given interval (LB, UB).
        # In these cases, a non-uniform grid can be specified by changing the daeDomain.Points property.
        # Good candidates for non-uniform grids are cases where there is a stiff front at one side of a domain.
        # First, create an uniform grid and then create a new list of points and assign it to the Points property.
        # Nota bene: the number of points must remain the same.
        old_grid = self.m.y.Points # numpy array
        new_grid = [0.000, 0.005, 0.010, 0.015, 0.020, 0.025, 0.030, 0.035, 0.040, 0.070, 0.100]
        self.Log.Message("  Before: %s" % old_grid, 0)
        self.m.y.Points = new_grid
        self.Log.Message("  After: %s" % new_grid, 0)
        self.m.k.SetValue(401 * W/(m*K))
        self.m.cp.SetValue(385 * J/(kg*K))
        self.m.rho.SetValue(8960 * kg/(m**3))
        self.m.Qb.SetValue(1e6 * W/(m**2))
        self.m.Tt.SetValue(300 * K)

    def SetUpVariables(self):
        for x in range(1, self.m.x.NumberOfPoints - 1):
            for y in range(1, self.m.y.NumberOfPoints - 1):
                self.m.T.SetInitialCondition(x, y, 300*K)

def run(**kwargs):
    simulation = simTutorial()
    return daeActivity.simulate(simulation, reportingInterval     = 5, 
                                            timeHorizon           = 200,
                                            reportTimeDerivatives = True,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    guiRun = False if (len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == 'console') else True
    run(guiRun = guiRun)