DAE Tools: pyDAE module, www.daetools.com
Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
DAE Tools software; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from pyCore import *
from pyDealII import *
import pygraphviz as pgv
except Exception as e:
[docs]class daeNodeGraph(object):
def __init__(self, rootLabel, node):
# node is a Runtime Node object
self.counter = 0
self.graph = pgv.AGraph()
self.graph.add_node('__root__', label = rootLabel)
self._processNode('__root__', node)
[docs] def SaveGraph(self, filename, layout = 'dot'):
# Layouts: dot|neato|circo|twopi|fdp|nop
# The best layout is made by 'dot'
self.graph.draw(layout + '-' + filename)
def _newLeaf(self, parent, labelChild, shape='ellipse', color='black', fontcolor='black', edgeLabel='', edgeColor='gray50'):
child = str(self.counter)
self.counter += 1
self.graph.add_node(child, label = str(labelChild), shape = shape, color = color, fontcolor = fontcolor)
self.graph.add_edge(parent, child, label = edgeLabel, color = edgeColor)
return child
def _processNode(self, parent, node, edgeLabel=''):
if isinstance(node, adConstantNode):
label = '%.15e' % node.Quantity.value
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='darkorchid', fontcolor='darkorchid', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
elif isinstance(node, adTimeNode):
label = 'time'
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='black', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
elif isinstance(node, adUnaryNode):
if node.Function == eSign:
label = '-'
elif node.Function == eSqrt:
label = 'sqrt'
elif node.Function == eExp:
label = 'exp'
elif node.Function == eLog:
label = 'log10'
elif node.Function == eLn:
label = 'log'
elif node.Function == eAbs:
label = 'abs'
elif node.Function == eSin:
label = 'sin'
elif node.Function == eCos:
label = 'cos'
elif node.Function == eTan:
label = 'tan'
elif node.Function == eArcSin:
label = 'asin'
elif node.Function == eArcCos:
label = 'acos'
elif node.Function == eArcTan:
label = 'atan'
elif node.Function == eCeil:
label = 'ceil'
elif node.Function == eFloor:
label = 'floor'
elif node.Function == eSinh:
label = 'sinh'
elif node.Function == eCosh:
label = 'cosh'
elif node.Function == eTanh:
label = 'tanh'
elif node.Function == eArcSinh:
label = 'asinh'
elif node.Function == eArcCosh:
label = 'acosh'
elif node.Function == eArcTanh:
label = 'atanh'
elif node.Function == eErf:
label = 'erf'
raise RuntimeError('Not supported unary function: %s' % node.Function)
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, shape='ellipse', color='black', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
self._processNode(child, node.Node)
elif isinstance(node, adBinaryNode):
if node.Function == ePlus:
label = '+'
elif node.Function == eMinus:
label = '-'
elif node.Function == eMulti:
label = '*'
elif node.Function == eDivide:
label = '/'
elif node.Function == ePower:
label = '**'
elif node.Function == eMin:
label = 'min'
elif node.Function == eMax:
label = 'max'
elif node.Function == eArcTan2:
label = 'atan2'
raise RuntimeError('Not supported binary function: %s' % node.Function)
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, shape='circle', color='black', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
self._processNode(child, node.LNode, edgeLabel='')
self._processNode(child, node.RNode, edgeLabel='')
elif isinstance(node, adDomainIndexNode):
label = '%s[%d]' % (node.Domain.Name, node.Index)
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='black', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
elif isinstance(node, adRuntimeParameterNode):
label = '%s%s' % (node.Parameter.Name, node.DomainIndexes)
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='green', fontcolor='green', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
elif isinstance(node, adRuntimeVariableNode):
label = '%s%s' % (node.Variable.Name, node.DomainIndexes)
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='blue', fontcolor='blue', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
elif isinstance(node, adRuntimeTimeDerivativeNode):
label = 'dt(%s%s)' % (node.Variable.Name, node.DomainIndexes)
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='red', fontcolor='red', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
elif isinstance(node, adFloatCoefficientVariableSumNode):
items = node.sum.values()
#if len(items) > 0:
# index,item_0 = items[0]
# label = 'sum(c_j*%s(j))' % item_0.variable.Name
# label = 'sum(c_j*var(j))'
label = 'SUM'
child = self._newLeaf(parent, label, color='green', fontcolor='green', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
label = '%.15e' % node.base
child = self._newLeaf(child, label, color='darkorchid', fontcolor='darkorchid', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
for overallIndex,item in items:
label = '%.15e * %s(%d)' % (item.coefficient, item.variable.Name, overallIndex-item.variable.OverallIndex)
child = self._newLeaf(child, label, color='darkorchid', fontcolor='darkorchid', edgeLabel=edgeLabel)
raise RuntimeError('Not supported node: %s' % type(node))
class daeComputeStackGraph(object):
def __init__(self, rootLabel, computeStackItems):
# node is a Runtime Node object
self.counter = 0
self.graph = pgv.AGraph()
def SaveGraph(self, filename, layout = 'dot'):
# Layouts: dot|neato|circo|twopi|fdp|nop
# The best layout is made by 'dot'
self.graph.draw(layout + '-' + filename)
def _addNode(self, labelChild, shape='ellipse', color='black', fontcolor='black', edgeLabel='', edgeColor='gray50'):
child = str(self.counter)
self.counter += 1
self.graph.add_node(child, label = str(labelChild), shape = shape, color = color, fontcolor = fontcolor)
return child
def _processItems(self, computeStackItems):
lvalue = []
rvalue = []
value = []
for item in computeStackItems:
if item.opCode == eOP_Constant:
label = '%.6e' % item.value
child = self._addNode(label, color='darkorchid', fontcolor='darkorchid')
elif item.opCode == eOP_Time:
label = 'time'
child = self._addNode(label, color='black')
elif item.opCode == eOP_InverseTimeStep:
label = '1/dt'
child = self._addNode(label, color='black')
elif item.opCode == eOP_Unary:
label = str(item.function)
child = self._addNode(label, shape='ellipse', color='black')
arg_node = value.pop()
self.graph.add_edge(child, arg_node, color = 'gray50')
elif item.opCode == eOP_Binary:
label = ''
if item.function == ePlus:
label = '+'
elif item.function == eMinus:
label = '-'
elif item.function == eMulti:
label = '*'
elif item.function == eDivide:
label = '/'
elif item.function == ePower:
label = '**'
elif item.function == eMin:
label = 'min'
elif item.function == eMax:
label = 'max'
elif item.function == eArcTan2:
label = 'atan2'
child = self._addNode(label, shape='circle', color='black')
l_node = lvalue.pop()
r_node = rvalue.pop()
self.graph.add_edge(child, l_node, color = 'gray50')
self.graph.add_edge(child, r_node, color = 'gray50')
elif item.opCode == eOP_DegreeOfFreedom:
if hasattr(item, 'variableName') and item.variableName != '':
label = '%s(overallIndex=%d, dofIndex=%d)' % (item.variableName, item.overallIndex, item.blockIndex)
label = 'var(overallIndex=%d, dofIndex=%d)' % (item.overallIndex, item.blockIndex)
child = self._addNode(label, color='blue', fontcolor='blue')
elif item.opCode == eOP_Variable:
if hasattr(item, 'variableName') and item.variableName != '':
label = '%s(overallIndex=%d, blockIndex=%d)' % (item.variableName, item.overallIndex, item.blockIndex)
label = 'var(overallIndex=%d, blockIndex=%d)' % (item.overallIndex, item.blockIndex)
child = self._addNode(label, color='blue', fontcolor='blue')
elif item.opCode == eOP_TimeDerivative:
if hasattr(item, 'variableName') and item.variableName != '':
label = 'dt(%s){overallIndex=%d, blockIndex=%d}' % (item.variableName, item.overallIndex, item.blockIndex)
label = 'dt{overallIndex=%d, blockIndex=%d}' % (item.overallIndex, item.blockIndex)
child = self._addNode(label, color='red', fontcolor='red')
raise RuntimeError('Not supported node: %s' % type(node))
if item.resultLocation == eOP_Result_to_value:
elif item.resultLocation == eOP_Result_to_lvalue:
elif item.resultLocation == eOP_Result_to_rvalue: