Source code for daetools.code_generators.fmi

                DAE Tools: pyDAE module,
                Copyright (C) Dragan Nikolic
DAE Tools is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
terms of the GNU General Public License version 3 as published by the Free Software
Foundation. DAE Tools is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the
DAE Tools software; if not, see <>.
import os, shutil, sys, numpy, math, traceback, uuid, zipfile, tempfile, json, time, glob
import daetools
from daetools.pyDAE import *
from .c99 import daeCodeGenerator_c99
from .fmi_xml_support import *

[docs]class daeCodeGenerator_FMI(fmiModelDescription): def __init__(self, xml_stylesheet = None): fmiModelDescription.__init__(self) self.useWebService = False
[docs] def generateSimulation(self, simulation, directory, py_simulation_file, callable_object_name, arguments, additional_files = [], localsAsOutputs = True, add_xml_stylesheet = False, useWebService = False): try: tmp_folder = '' if not simulation: raise RuntimeError('Invalid simulation object') if not os.path.isdir(directory): os.makedirs(directory) if not isinstance(additional_files, list): raise RuntimeError('Additional python files must be a list of tuples') if not callable_object_name: raise RuntimeError('No python callable object name specified for FMU') self.useWebService = useWebService self.localsAsOutputs = localsAsOutputs self.wrapperInstanceName = simulation.m.Name modelIdentifier = simulation.m.GetStrippedName() fmu_directory = directory tmp_folder = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix = 'daetools-fmu-') xml_description_filename = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'modelDescription.xml') sources_dir = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'sources') resources_dir = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'resources') binaries_dir = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries') fmu_filename = os.path.join(fmu_directory, simulation.m.Name + '.fmu') folder = tmp_folder if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'documentation') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'sources') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'resources') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries/win32') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries/win64') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries/linux32') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries/linux64') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries/darwin32') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) folder = os.path.join(tmp_folder, 'binaries/darwin64') if not os.path.exists(folder): os.makedirs(folder) # Copy the python file with the simulation class and all additional files to the 'resources' folder # py_simulation_file argument is often specified using the __file__ attribute. # In Python 2.7 __file__ points to 'file.pyc' - correct it to '' if py_simulation_file.endswith('.pyc'): py_simulation_file = py_simulation_file[:-1] py_path, py_filename = os.path.split(str(py_simulation_file)) shutil.copy2(py_simulation_file, os.path.join(resources_dir, py_filename)) if add_xml_stylesheet: fmi_py_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) #xsl_name = os.path.basename(self.xml_stylesheet) #xsl_name = os.path.splitext(xsl_name)[0] self.xml_stylesheet = 'resources/daetools-fmi.xsl' shutil.copy2(os.path.join(fmi_py_dir, 'daetools-fmi.xsl'), os.path.join(resources_dir, 'daetools-fmi.xsl')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(fmi_py_dir, 'daetools-fmi.css'), os.path.join(resources_dir, 'daetools-fmi.css')) # Copy the additional files to the locations relative to the 'resources' folder # Additional files are a list of tuples: [('file_path', 'resources_dir_relative_path'), ...] for py_file, relative_path in additional_files: destination_file = os.path.join(resources_dir, relative_path) py_path, py_filename = os.path.split(destination_file) if not os.path.isdir(py_path): os.makedirs(py_path) shutil.copy2(py_file, destination_file) # Copy all available libcdaeFMU_CS-pyXY.[so/dll/dynlib] to the 'binaries/platform[32/64]' folder self._copy_solib('Linux', 'x86_64', modelIdentifier, binaries_dir) self._copy_solib('Linux', 'i386', modelIdentifier, binaries_dir) self._copy_solib('Windows', 'win32', modelIdentifier, binaries_dir) self._copy_solib('Windows', 'win64', modelIdentifier, binaries_dir) self._copy_solib('Darwin', 'x86_64', modelIdentifier, binaries_dir) self._copy_solib('Darwin', 'i386', modelIdentifier, binaries_dir) # Generate settings.json file f = open(os.path.join(resources_dir, 'settings.json'), "w") settings = {} settings['simulationFile'] = os.path.basename(py_simulation_file) settings['callableObjectName'] = callable_object_name settings['arguments'] = arguments f.write(json.dumps(settings, indent = 4, sort_keys = True)) f.close() # Generate initialization.json file # daeSimulationExplorer.saveJSONSettings(os.path.join(resources_dir, 'init.json'), simulation, callable_object_name) # Fill in the xml data self.modelName = modelIdentifier #* self.guid = uuid.uuid1() #* self.description = simulation.m.Description = '' self.version = '' self.copyright = '' self.license = '' self.generationTool = 'DAE Tools v%s' % daeVersion(True) self.generationDateAndTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ", time.localtime()) self.variableNamingConvention = fmiModelDescription.variableNamingConventionStructured self.numberOfEventIndicators = 0 self.CoSimulation = fmiCoSimulation() self.CoSimulation.modelIdentifier = modelIdentifier #* self.CoSimulation.needsExecutionTool = True self.CoSimulation.canHandleVariableCommunicationStepSize = True self.CoSimulation.canHandleEvents = True self.CoSimulation.canInterpolateInputs = False self.CoSimulation.maxOutputDerivativeOrder = 0 self.CoSimulation.canRunAsynchronuously = False self.CoSimulation.canSignalEvents = True self.CoSimulation.canBeInstantiatedOnlyOncePerProcess = False self.CoSimulation.canNotUseMemoryManagementFunctions = True self.CoSimulation.canGetAndSetFMUstate = False self.CoSimulation.canSerializeFMUstate = False self.CoSimulation.providesPartialDerivativesOf_DerivativeFunction_wrt_States = False self.CoSimulation.providesPartialDerivativesOf_DerivativeFunction_wrt_Inputs = False self.CoSimulation.providesPartialDerivativesOf_OutputFunction_wrt_States = False self.CoSimulation.providesPartialDerivativesOf_OutputFunction_wrt_Inputs = False self.ModelStructure = fmiModelStructure() self.ModelVariables = [] self.UnitDefinitions = [] self.TypeDefinitions = [] self.VendorAnnotations = [] self.DefaultExperiment = fmiDefaultExperiment() self.LogCategories = [] # Setup a default experiment self.DefaultExperiment.startTime = 0.0 self.DefaultExperiment.stopTime = simulation.TimeHorizon self.DefaultExperiment.tolerance = simulation.DAESolver.RelativeTolerance # Add model variables fmi_interface = simulation.m.GetFMIInterface() #print fmi_interface variableTypesUsed = {} unitsUsed = {} for ref, f in sorted(fmi_interface.items()): if f.type == 'Input': self._addInput(f) if not f.variable.VariableType.Name in variableTypesUsed: variableTypesUsed[f.variable.VariableType.Name] = f.variable.VariableType if not str(f.variable.VariableType.Units) in unitsUsed: unitsUsed[str(f.variable.VariableType.Units)] = f.variable.VariableType.Units elif f.type == 'Output': self._addOutput(f) if not f.variable.VariableType.Name in variableTypesUsed: variableTypesUsed[f.variable.VariableType.Name] = f.variable.VariableType if not str(f.variable.VariableType.Units) in unitsUsed: unitsUsed[str(f.variable.VariableType.Units)] = f.variable.VariableType.Units elif f.type == 'Local': # If localsAsOutputs is true treat all locals as outputs. if self.localsAsOutputs: self._addOutput(f) else: self._addLocal(f) if not f.variable.VariableType.Name in variableTypesUsed: variableTypesUsed[f.variable.VariableType.Name] = f.variable.VariableType if not str(f.variable.VariableType.Units) in unitsUsed: unitsUsed[str(f.variable.VariableType.Units)] = f.variable.VariableType.Units elif f.type == 'Parameter': self._addParameter(f) if not str(f.parameter.Units) in unitsUsed: unitsUsed[str(f.parameter.Units)] = f.parameter.Units elif f.type == 'STN': self._addSTN(f) else: raise RuntimeError('Invalid variable reference type') # Add unit definitions for unit_name, u in unitsUsed.items(): self._addUnitDefinition(u) # Add variable types for vartype_name, var_type in variableTypesUsed.items(): self._addTypeDefinition(var_type) # Add log categories cat = fmiLogCategory() = 'logAll' self.LogCategories.append(cat) # Save model description xml file self.to_xml(xml_description_filename) files_to_zip = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(tmp_folder): for file in files: filename = os.path.join(root, file) relative_path = os.path.relpath(filename, tmp_folder) files_to_zip.append( (filename, relative_path) ) zip = zipfile.ZipFile(fmu_filename, "w") for filename, relative_path in files_to_zip: zip.write(filename, relative_path) zip.close() finally: # Remove temporary directory if os.path.isdir(tmp_folder): #shutil.rmtree(tmp_folder) pass
def _formatUnits(self, units): # Format: m.kg2/s-2 meaning m * kg**2 / s**2 positive = [] negative = [] for u, exp in list(units.toDict().items()): if exp >= 0: if exp == 1: positive.append('{0}'.format(u)) elif int(exp) == exp: positive.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, int(exp))) else: positive.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, exp)) for u, exp in list(units.toDict().items()): if exp < 0: if exp == -1: negative.append('{0}'.format(u)) elif int(exp) == exp: negative.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, int(math.fabs(exp)))) else: negative.append('{0}^{1}'.format(u, math.fabs(exp))) if len(positive) == 0: sPositive = 'rad' else: sPositive = '.'.join(positive) if len(negative) == 0: sNegative = '' elif len(negative) == 1: sNegative = '/' + '.'.join(negative) else: sNegative = '/(' + '.'.join(negative) + ')' return sPositive + sNegative def _copy_solib(self, platform_system, platform_machine, modelIdentifier, binaries_dir): # Copy libcdaeFMU_CS-pyXY.[so/dll/dynlib] and libcdaeSimulationLoader-pyXY.[so/dll/dynlib] # to the 'binaries/platform[32/64]' folder if platform_system == 'Linux': so_ext = 'so' so_ext_pattern = 'so.*' shared_lib_prefix = 'lib' shared_lib_postfix = '' if platform_machine == 'x86_64': platform_binaries_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir, 'linux64') else: platform_binaries_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir, 'linux32') elif platform_system == 'Windows': so_ext = 'dll' so_ext_pattern = 'dll' shared_lib_prefix = '' shared_lib_postfix = '1' if platform_machine == 'win64': platform_binaries_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir, 'win64') else: platform_binaries_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir, 'win32') elif platform_system == 'Darwin': so_ext = 'dylib' so_ext_pattern = 'dylib' shared_lib_prefix = 'lib' shared_lib_postfix = '' if platform_machine == 'x86_64': platform_binaries_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir, 'darwin64') else: platform_binaries_dir = os.path.join(binaries_dir, 'darwin32') else: raise RuntimeError('Unsupported platform: %s' % platform_system) solibs_dir = os.path.join(daetools.daetools_dir, 'solibs', '%s_%s' % (platform_system, platform_machine)) daetools_fmu_solib = '%s.%s' % (modelIdentifier, so_ext) if self.useWebService: daetools_fmi_cs = '%scdaeFMU_CS_WS%s.%s' % (shared_lib_prefix, shared_lib_postfix, so_ext) else: daetools_fmi_cs = '%scdaeFMU_CS-py%s%s%s.%s' % (shared_lib_prefix, daetools.python_version_major, daetools.python_version_minor, shared_lib_postfix, so_ext) daetools_simulation_loader = '%scdaeSimulationLoader-py%s%s%s.%s' % (shared_lib_prefix, daetools.python_version_major, daetools.python_version_minor, shared_lib_postfix, so_ext) boost_files = glob.iglob(os.path.join(solibs_dir, "*boost_*-daetools-py%s%s.%s" % (daetools.python_version_major, daetools.python_version_minor, so_ext_pattern))) try: # Copy FMU_CS _source = os.path.join(solibs_dir, daetools_fmi_cs) _target = os.path.join(platform_binaries_dir, daetools_fmu_solib) #print('copy %s %s' % (_source, _target)) shutil.copy2(_source, _target) except Exception as e: # Ignore exceptions, since some of binaries are certainly not available pass if not self.useWebService: try: # Copy SimulationLoader _source = os.path.join(solibs_dir, daetools_simulation_loader) _target = os.path.join(platform_binaries_dir) #print('copy %s %s' % (_source, _target)) shutil.copy2(_source, _target) except Exception as e: # Ignore exceptions, since some of binaries are certainly not available pass try: # Copy boost libs _target = os.path.join(platform_binaries_dir) for _source in boost_files: if os.path.isfile(_source): #print('copy %s %s' % (_source, _target)) shutil.copy2(_source, _target) except Exception as e: # Ignore exceptions, since some of binaries are certainly not available pass def _addInput(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityInput sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous # Set it to continuous (page 49 FMI-v2.0.pdf) sv.initial = None # It is not allowed to provide a value for initial if causality = "input" or "independent" sv.type = fmiReal() sv.type.declaredType = fmi_obj.variable.VariableType.Name sv.type.start = fmi_obj.variable.GetValue(list(fmi_obj.indexes)) self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addOutput(self, fmi_obj): # In general, the index is not equal to he reference but to the index in the ModelVariables list. # But, the references in daetools start at 1 and increase and they are added in the sorted order. # So it should be fine to use reference as an index. # Anyway, the index in the ModelStructure.Outputs is used. # The indexes in FMI start at 1 (not at zero). var_index = len(self.ModelVariables) + 1 unknown = fmiVariableDependency() unknown.index = var_index #* self.ModelStructure.Outputs.append(unknown) unknown = fmiVariableDependency() unknown.index = var_index #* self.ModelStructure.InitialUnknowns.append(unknown) sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityOutput sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialCalculated sv.type = fmiReal() sv.type.declaredType = fmi_obj.variable.VariableType.Name self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addLocal(self, fmi_obj): # Here, do not add anything in the ModelStructure sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityLocal sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialCalculated sv.type = fmiReal() sv.type.declaredType = fmi_obj.variable.VariableType.Name self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addParameter(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityParameter sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityTunable # If it is tunable it can be changed during the simulation sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialExact sv.type = fmiReal() sv.type.unit = self._formatUnits(fmi_obj.parameter.Units) sv.type.start = fmi_obj.parameter.GetValue(list(fmi_obj.indexes)) self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addSTN(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityParameter # If it is input then it can be changed by the simulator sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityTunable sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialExact sv.type = fmiString() sv.type.start = fmi_obj.stn.ActiveState self.ModelVariables.append(sv) """ def _addNumberOfPointsInDomain(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityLocal sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityConstant sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialExact self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addDomainPoints(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityParameter sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityTunable sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialExact self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addAssignedVariable(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityParameter sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityTunable sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialExact self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addAlgebraicVariable(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityLocal sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialCalculated self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addDifferentialVariable(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityLocal sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialCalculated self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addInletPortVariable(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityInput sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialExact self.ModelVariables.append(sv) def _addOutletPortVariable(self, fmi_obj): sv = fmiScalarVariable() = str( #* sv.valueReference = int(fmi_obj.reference) #* sv.description = str(fmi_obj.description) + ' [%s]' % fmi_obj.units sv.causality = fmiScalarVariable.causalityOutput sv.variability = fmiScalarVariable.variabilityContinuous sv.initial = fmiScalarVariable.initialCalculated self.ModelVariables.append(sv) """ def _addUnitDefinition(self, dae_unit): dae_bu = dae_unit.baseUnit unit = fmiUnit() = self._formatUnits(dae_unit) # * unit.baseUnit = fmiBaseUnit() unit.baseUnit.factor = dae_bu.multiplier unit.baseUnit.offset = 0.0 if dae_bu.L != 0: unit.baseUnit.m = int(dae_bu.L) if dae_bu.M != 0: = int(dae_bu.M) if dae_bu.T != 0: unit.baseUnit.s = int(dae_bu.T) if dae_bu.C != 0: = int(dae_bu.C) if dae_bu.I != 0: unit.baseUnit.A = int(dae_bu.I) if dae_bu.O != 0: unit.baseUnit.K = int(dae_bu.O) if dae_bu.N != 0: unit.baseUnit.mol = int(dae_bu.N) # If all are 0, set rad = 1 if dae_bu.L == 0 and dae_bu.M == 0 and dae_bu.T == 0 and dae_bu.C == 0 and dae_bu.I == 0 and dae_bu.O == 0 and dae_bu.N == 0: unit.baseUnit.rad = 1 self.UnitDefinitions.append(unit) def _addTypeDefinition(self, var_type): st = fmiSimpleType() = var_type.Name #* st.type = fmiReal() st.type.unit = self._formatUnits(var_type.Units) st.type.min = var_type.LowerBound st.type.max = var_type.UpperBound st.type.nominal = var_type.InitialGuess self.TypeDefinitions.append(st)